Mandatory Employment Videos
So I'm starting work this monday as an educational assistant. My employers kindly gave me five videos that I have to watch before I start work; then I fill out a quiz that I have to turn in. I've had to watch some of these before, but it's been a couple years. I thought it would be kind of entertaining to deconstruct each video on their aesthetic, educational, and humor/unintentional laugh merits, since this process is kind of boring as it is.
Part One: Sexual Harassment

This is a 20-minute short that defines what “sexual harassment” is and describes, in broad details, action that employees can take against their evil employers and customers.
Educational Value - 6/10
There are a number of bullet points to define each section (categories of harassment, action one can take), which is nice, even though some of the categories seem out of place. I also like how the video mentions Title IX. The video briefly mentions that men can be abused, but this is given a negligible treatment. This actually comes across as a feminist video, where almost all of the men are potential predators while all of the women are portrayed as dormant, helpless people who must empower themselves. Also, the narrator refers to the waitress as a waiter; just thought I'd mention that.
Aesthetics - 1/10
This is a videotape production. Needless to say, this looks – and no doubt is – very cheap with poor lighting and compositions and boring sets, though the camera movement is actually somewhat decent. The music also reeks of cheap 80's synthesizers, with a cheesy horror theme... ugh. Also, mullets. 'nuff said.
Unintentional Laughs - 9/10
Where to start... The film starts off with a series of people – with every demographic represented, of course – defining, presumably in their own words, “flirting” vs “sexual harassment.” A nerdy guy says, in a squeaky voice, “Flirting makes me feel in control, sexual harassment makes me feel powerless.” A hilariously over-the-top woman states, “Flirting makes me feel attractive, sexual harassment makes me feel unattractive - ugly.”

Here are some other great snippets of dialogue:
“Wow, that outfit looks great on you... but it would look even better on my bedroom floor!” - A man being “fresh” towards this waitress who has to wear a what-was-then-seen-as sexually attractive uniform.

This teacher tells this guy, in the middle of her crowded classroom, that she's willing to give him an “A” if he visits her apartment. I love the low angle shot and the over-the-top nature of the actress's performance, haha.
The narrator constantly pronounces the word "harassment" like hair-essment, emphasis on the "a." It bothered me for some reason.
“Write the harasser and tell him to stop” - This is a real suggestion for a victim of sexual harassment. What the hell?
“Don't pinch me, make pissing sounds, or ask me to go out with you! Stop it immediately!” - Squeaky-voiced nerd from the beginning typing out a letter to his “abusers.”
And my favorite:

A guy approaches the woman at her workplace and before he even starts speaking, she snaps, “If you touch me like that one more time, I'll report you so fast, you won't know what hit you! Just. Get. Out!” His startled expression is hilarious.
Closing Comments
This is a pretty terrible video. It was made in the 80's and it hasn't aged all that well. The acting and dialogue are so stilted, contrived, and silly that it's painful to watch. It provided many laughs, but it was also just dull in parts.
Overall Rating: 4
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