Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Dreamers

The Dreamers (2004) - 6/10

First Viewed: 3/14/08
Bernardo Bertolucci (Dir.)
Starring Michael Pitt, Eva Green, and Louis Garrel

Bertolucci tries to show us how the lives of two very messed up, spoiled siblings intersect with the Paris revolution of 1968. This doesn't really work as the revolution itself is never a fully realized part of the film - it merely serves as a backstor
y with out-of-date revolutionary ideas for the creepy erotica.

Random Musings:
1. Michael Pitt has really pretty lips.
2. I could very easily go straight for Eva Green.
3. The brother (Garrel) is an annoyingly smug character and Garrel himself has an even more annoying face.
4. Why does Pitt's character pee in the sink? Bertolluci left me hanging in that regard.

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